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Diagnostic Imaging:

The Medical Imaging Industry has significant growth with the progressive medical technologies around the world for Medical Imaging innovation. Many leading Medical Imaging companies are also investing heavily in the development of innovative Medical Imaging solutions to fight against the world’s most prevalent diseases, injuries and disabilities. Ankara Akademi is very active in the Radiology market with the investment and management of the advanced products such as X-Ray Imaging Systems, Computed Tomography (CT) Scanners, Ultrasound Imaging Ssystems, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Nuclear Imaging Systems.


Radiation Therapy (Also Called Radiotherapy) is a cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. As 50 out of 100 people have Radiotherapy at some point during their cancer treatment, Radiotherapy treatment is becoming even more important. Ankara Akademi delivers Radiotherapy Services with the latest technology of eqiupment in the most in demand hospitals with highly experienced team of experts.

Nuclear Medicine:

Nuclear Medicine is a division of Medical Imaging which uses small dose of radioactive to determine or treat the diseases of different type of cancers, heart disease, endocrine, neurological disorders and other abnormalities within the body. Ankara Akademi delivers nuclear services with the latest technology of eqiupment in the most in demand hospitals with highly experienced team of experts.

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation:

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation is a highly important branch as it is used for the Rehabilitation of Neurological, Orthopedic, Pediatric, Geriatric, Gynecological, Urogynecological and Rheumatologic diseases; to Diagnose Muscle-Skeletal System diseases and to treat them. Ankara Akademi delivers the service in different areas such as: Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Neurological Rehabilitation, Rheumatismal Rehabilitation, Pediatric Rehabilitation, Geriatric Rehabilitation, Sense Integration Therapy, Space Therapy and Home Care Service for the elder and disabled patients.


Cleaning, sterilization and infection control is one of the most important services in a healthcare facility. Ankara Akademi delivers the sterilization service with the cooperation of the leader providers of infection prevention.


Ankara Akademi offers comprehensive Clinical Laboratory Services to private and public hospitals by performing medical tests for the diagnosis or detection of diseases, measure the progress to recover from a disease or confirm that an individual is free from disease. Ankara Akademi’s laboratory services include a wide range of disciplines from Clinical Biochemistry to Molecular Biology such as: Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology, Coagulation, Microbiology, Special Chemistry, Serology, Immunology, Transfusion Medicine, Molecular Biology, Drug Abuse Testing, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Point of Care Testing and Genetic Testing.

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